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8월 3일,4일 결방 프로그램 안내/ August 3rd,4th Canceled Program

8월 3일 결방 프로그램

[KBS1] ‘국악한마당’

[KBS1] ‘시니어토크쇼 황금연못’

[KBS1] ‘동행’

[KBS1] ‘노래가 좋아’

[KBS1] ‘특파원 보고 세계는 지금’

[MBN] ‘기막힌 이야기 실제상황’ - 일요일 편성변경

[KBS1] ‘남북의 창’

[KBS1] ‘김영철의 동네 한 바퀴’

[KBS1] ‘생방송 심야토론’

[채널A] ‘같이 할래GG’

[KBS2] ‘아이를 위한 나라는 있다’ [SBS] '그것이 알고싶다' [KBS] ‘숨터’ [KBS] ‘세상의 모든 다큐’

8월 4일 결방 프로그램

[KBS2] ‘개그콘서트’

[KBS1] ‘열린음악회’

[MBN] ‘천기누설’ - 금요일 편성변경

[KBS1] ‘도전 골든벨’

[KBS2] ‘다큐멘터리 3일’

[KBS1] ‘역사저널 그날’

[KBS1] ‘글로벌 다큐멘터리’

[KBS1] ‘저널리즘 토크쇼J’

[KBS1] ‘다큐 공감’

August 3rd Canceled Program

[KBS1] ‘Korean Traditional Music Concert’

[KBS1] ‘Senior Talk Show Golden Pond’

[KBS1] ‘Companion’

[KBS1] ‘I Like to Sing’

[KBS1] ‘International Correspondent Report’

[MBN] ‘Real Situation’ - Changed to Sunday Program

[KBS1] ‘North Windows’

[KBS1] ‘Around the Neighborhood’

[KBS1] ‘Live Late Night Forum

[Channel A] ‘Do it Together? GG’

[KBS2] ‘Kid World’

[SBS] 'Uncovering the Truth' [KBS] ‘Breathing Place' [KBS] 'World Documentaries’

August 4th Canceled Program

[KBS2] ‘Gag Concert’

[KBS1] ‘Open Concert’

[MBN] ‘Secrets of Nature’ - Changed to Friday Program

[KBS1] ‘The Golden Bell Challenge’

[KBS2] ‘Three Days’

[KBS1] ‘The Day’

[KBS1] ‘Global Documentary’

[KBS1] ‘Journalism Talk Show J’

[KBS1] ‘Documentary Empathy’

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